Thursday, May 5, 2011

Pattern and Perfection

The title of this blog is "A World That Works."  It is my intention to focus on things that help me to create a world that works for everyone, at least in my small corner of the world. 

Today I was reading the May "Science of Mind" magazine and found a quote from Ernest Holmes: 

"If I . . . can get back to the spiritual reality of my being, I shall be made whole, not because the spiritual reality is pleased with me or that there is a power which will do it for me.  Rather, it is because the divine pattern is perfect and when we stand in its light, that which was imperfect disappears." 

I love this -- it reminds me that we have the perfect divine pattern within us -- every single one of us.  When I stand in its light, perfection appears.  I can see it.  I know it exists, like the sun still exists at night - it's just on the other side of the planet. 

When I remember this, it doesn't matter that the conspiracy theorists are going wild about 9/11, Osama bin Laden, and whatever else they believe involved.  It doesn't matter that some are using the death of bin Laden to argue that we should send in more troops and "wipe 'em all out."  It doesn't matter that I cannot "fix" the frightened people who come to speak to me about their loved ones, their troubled souls, their fear of death. 

All that matters is that, as often as possible, I look from my place in the divine light so that I can see the perfection of the pattern.  Then, whatever words I bring are the right words.  Whatever attitude I carry to the day is one of peace and love. 

Today I invite you to stand in the light of the Divine Pattern.  Look at your life from there.  See how intricately and beautifully made you are.  Know your thread is an essential part of It.  You are the Beloved.

Blessed day,
Rev. CC Coltrain

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